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HomeNewsSikkim CM Golay Accuses Previous Govt of Misusing Relief Funds

Sikkim CM Golay Accuses Previous Govt of Misusing Relief Funds

Gangtok: Chief Minister P.S. Golay of Sikkim accused the previous government led by the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) of misusing the Chief Minister’s discretionary and relief funds for personal gain, during a program organized by the Chief Minister’s Office at Manan Kendra. Golay alleged that the funds were used as a personal cash account with no accountability, and distributed in villages without proper records or transparency.

Speaking at the event where grants and scholarships under the Chief Minister’s discretionary and relief funds, along with jhora training work orders, were distributed to around 450 beneficiaries, Golay highlighted the difference in the current government’s approach. He stated that the grants and scholarships are now being distributed through cheques in the beneficiaries’ name to maintain transparency and accountability, whereas in the past, the funds were misused and distributed in cash.

Golay emphasized that the current government is committed to ensuring that poor students do not have to discontinue their studies due to financial constraints and that patients in need of medical treatment receive necessary support. He also mentioned that financial assistance is being provided to individuals interested in starting small businesses, couples seeking IVF treatment, and for repairs of religious centers and purchase of required items by local village Samajs.

When addressing the allegations of misuse of funds by the previous government, Golay stated, “There are so many schemes under the Chief Minister. Before 2019, there was one government and one Chief Minister for 25 years but people of Sikkim never got any benefit from the Chief Minister’s relief and discretionary fund. Rather the fund was used as a personal account to take out cash anytime and distribute it in villages as if the money was coming from his own pocket. The close aides of the then government also used to take out cash from the Chief Minister’s funds but never submitted any accounts on how the money was spent. It was done several times… we are conducting an inquiry into such misuse of funds.”

Golay also mentioned that similar grants and financial assistance under the Chief Minister’s funds were recently provided to around 1500 beneficiaries, reiterating the current government’s commitment to ensuring transparency and accountability in the distribution of funds.

Gangtokian Web Team, 25/04/23

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