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Swiggy Instamart’s Witty Response to Man Who Purchased Counterfeit Puma Shoes Is a Must-See

Swiggy Instamart's Witty Response to Man Who Purchased Counterfeit Puma Shoes Is a Must-See

Not everyone can afford products from luxury brands, so many people opt for cheaper first copies. Is there anything wrong with this approach? Absolutely not; in fact, it’s a smart move. However, when the counterfeit product bears the brand’s name misspelled in a humorous manner, it becomes comical. Recently, a man shared a story about his thrifted Puma shoes, acquired at a very nominal price. However, the way the brand’s name was spelled left Twitter users with a good chuckle.

On Twitter, a man named Yatharth recounted his shopping escapade in a hilarious tale. He thought he was purchasing genuine Puma shoes, but to his surprise, the brand name read “Upma.” Sharing the image on Twitter, it elicited fits of laughter across the internet.

He shared a picture of his newly acquired “Upma” shoes along with a quirky caption that read as follows:

“Thrifted this delicious shoe yesterday from a local market for 690 bucks.”

With a touch of humor, he added:

“Will society accept me?”

The post received over 15k views and garnered numerous funny comments.

While the tweet was already super hilarious, what made it even more chuckle-worthy was Swiggy Instamart’s response to it. Swiggy Instamart chimed in with a super funny comment, making a sarcastic remark about the price of the “Upma” shoes, which netizens absolutely loved.

In their comment, Swiggy Instamart shared a photo of “Upma” and replied:

“Should have checked our app before buying, itna mehnga nahi milta.”

Netizens promptly replied to this tweet, and here are some of their reactions:

“Will work for breakfast as well.”

“Take it with a Pinch of Salt, :)”

What are your thoughts on this amusing banter? Did you enjoy Swiggy Instamart’s response to the man’s hilarious tweet? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Gangtokian Web Team, 31/07/23

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